Reproductive Resources for American Women

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Updated women’s reproductive resources

In honor of the recent passing of reproductive rights activist Cecile Richards (rip) and the fact that this deranged administration took down the government reproductive rights website on day one, we all need to share resources like our lives depend on it, because for many it will. I have updated my previous post from the first time around, since there have been so many changes and attempts to limit women’s health access in many states. This is the time to share all resources with each other to continue the forward momentum for women since it’s clear many conservative men don’t like the fact that women are statistically outperforming men in multiple categories (from education to financial independence to home ownership). In fact, many women have shared that since the election, there has been an uptick in brazen misogyny and sexist comments hurled their way, so please talk to your kids because they will be dealing with a lot of negative messaging across media and platforms. I will attempt to share resources and actions both here on my media maven newsletter as well as over on The Age Box - our podcast and newsletter for women. If you have more resources to sharing, please get in touch.

Donate to Planned Parenthood and the ACLU who need support more than ever

“There is no democracy without the right to choose” ~ Gloria Steinem

Ever since the horrific decision to overturn Roe V Wade in 2022, women have predictably suffered, and the rumblings of a possible catastrophic national ban. Doctors live in confusion and fear about other medical procedures that will save women’s lives but could send them to jail (see this story in Florida, Texas, or Missouri), there has been an increase in closure of women’s healthcare facilities (including maternity wards), and medical residents are avoiding certain states altogether. Some states not making any abortion exceptions in case of rape or incest (see Idaho), or seek to criminalize medications (see Louisiana), inexplicably seeking to restrict IVF like Alabama, and the Senate GOP blocking a bill to guarantee access to contraception. All of this has nothing to do with “pro life”, especially given mothers in states with abortion bans nearly 3 times more likely to die, and that there has been little to no movement on healthcare improvements for either pregnant women nor for children once they are here in the world, let alone proper paid parental leave. In fact, a new study finds childbirth is more deadly in the United States than any other high-income nation, especially for Black women. How much more do these people need to say or do to make it clear they do not respect women, their bodies, or their choices? Author Margaret Atwood did try to warn us. Here is a current map of restrictions in the USA

Other’s have written eloquently about what this means for the future of women, the US and democracy, what comes next, and most importantly - RESOURCES to share.

RESOURCES (will keep adding, and finding more help networks. Most of this list comes from Forward Midfery)

*Also, beware fake clinics that have popped up to detour women seeking services



Share this with whoever may need help and resources


Love TikTok, Fear The Fallout